When you buy a new knife I'm sure it is fun to use since new quality knives can cun meat like butter. It's also easy to slice and dice fruits and vegetables with a new knife. The same goes for scissors it's so much fun to cut paper and other stuff when your scissors are new. However, the more you uses your knife and scissors the sooner they will become dull. When your knife and scissors are dull, cutting and slicing things will become a pain. Also always remember that a dull blade is surprisingly more dangerous to use than a sharp blade because you need to put more pressure to cut things, that will double the chance that the knife will slip sincre there are more force behind it. A sharp knife cut the surface more readily avoiding slipping on its surface.
Can dull knives cut skin?
If you're using a sharp knife or scissors slight contact with the blade can cut into your skin, just as the edge of a piece of paper will cut with the slightest pressure. As I said above, when your knife or scissors are dull you need to add more pressure to cut things and in case of an accident with the added pressure you are more likely to cut yourself badly.
How do you sharpen knives and scissors?
You can use whetstone to sharpen knives and scissors but it's not for beginners like me. You need some skills in sharpening if you want to use whetstone. It's hard to do, I tried it. Good thing there are a lot of sharpening tools that you can buy online now that are easier to use. Check out an amazing product below that can sharpen knives and scissors in seconds.
Sharp Pebble Premium Whetstone Knife Sharpening Stone 2 Side Grit 1000/6000 Waterstone $39.99
Wamery Knife Sharpener 4-Stage Knife and Scissors Sharpener:
- This is really easy to use all you need to do is place the sharpener on a flat surface, hold the handle steadily and slide the knife through each slot in order using a pulling motion. To get better results, only use light pressure when sliding the knife and always keep your knives sharp.
It has four (4) sharpening stations:
Station 1 is for Scissors,
Three stages of sharpening:
Station 2 Coarse - this is use to repair and straighten the blade.
Station 3 Fine - this is use to sharpen the blade.
Station 4 Ceramic - this one is use to polish the blade. Just insert your blades in each station and pull through 3-5 times to get the best results.
Wamery Knife Sharpener 4-Stage Knife and Scissors Sharpener $16.99
Other similar products:
Lantana Smart Sharp Knife Sharpener (Knife only) $15.99
Amesser Kitchen Knife Sharpener $17.99