Monday, June 9, 2014

Japan Provides tourists with free Wi-Fi

Japan tourists, free Wi-Fi, Japan Wi Fi, Japan Free Wi-Fi

Japan is a very lovely country it's clean and they have a very efficient public transportation network, within the metropolis and between large cities. However, finding free Wi-Fi is a challenge. It is not ordinary in Japan to find free Wi-Fi in public areas. This is because most locals are using data plan. It is hard to find free Wi-Fi in Japan specially for tourists. The Japanese government want to change all that by providing Free Wi-Fi as part of an effort to attract more tourists. There is a new program by the government of Japan to provide free Wi-Fi for foreign tourists.

For a foreign tourist to get access to their free Wi-Fi, they need only to present their passports upon arrival to a Japanese airport in order to register for a Wi-Fi card. Then the tourist can use the Wi-Fi card for free Wi-Fi coverage across 45,000 hot spots throughout the entire eastern Japan that includes Tokyo, Hakone, Mt. Fuji, Yokohama, Nagano, Nikko, Kusatsu, Tohoku, Hokkaido and Fukushima.

The free Wi-Fi access lasts upto 14 days, or 336 hours. The Japanese government expects the system to be fully operational by 2016. The trial program was launched earlier this year that will run up to September.

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